Registration instructions
To register for the conference, please do the following:
- Fill the online form available at this link
- Send a proof of payment to the conference secretariat
Payment Process
Registration fees must be payed by bank transfer, to be made to:
Account holder (mandatory): Associazione IFToMM ITALY
Bank name: Intesa San Paolo
IBAN: IT18 W030 6909 6061 0000 0151 757
Branch: 55000 - FIL ACCENTRATA TER 5
Reason for payment (mandatory) must be indicated exactly as:
Paper [number/s] - [surname] [name] - IFIT 2020
(e.g.: paper 20 42 - Gasparetto Alessandro - IFIT 2020)
The payment is free from VAT charge in accordance with the italian law art.10 DPR 633/72
Registration fees
- Attendees who present a paper:
- First paper: 100€
- Second and other papers of the same author: +50€ for each paper
- Attendees who do not present a paper: 50€
For any paper published in the Proceedings, at least one registration fee is required.
Coauthors of a paper may attend the conference at no cost; however, they are required to fill the registration form.
Deadline for registration
The deadline for registration is 15/06/2020