Paper Submission Proceedings
Authors are kindly asked to submit original full papers with recommended length 8 pages in Springer format. All accepted and presented papers will be published in a Scopus indexed book of the Springer Series Mechanisms and Machine Science, with the title: Advances in Italian Mechanism Science - Proceedings of the Third Conference of IFToMM ITALY.
Best Paper awards will be given in categories of Research, Application, and Student Work.
A selection of presented papers will be invited with extended version for a special issue in the International Journal of Mechanics and Control affiliated to IFToMM Italy and for the special issue "Advances of Italian Machine Design" of Machines, an open access journal by MDPI.
Moreover a selection of papers presented in the section History of Mechanism Science will be invited with an extended version for a special issue "Findings on history of Italian mechanical Engineering" on the Journal Advances in Historical Studies,
Finally, a special award, in memory of Prof. Cesare Rossi, will be given to the best paper dealing with topics related to the history of mechanism and machine science.
Instructions for authors
- Submissions must follow the Springer Manuscript Guilines
- Templates are provided for Microsoft Word and Latex
- A layout example is provided for Microsoft Word
- The submission website is OCS