Paper Submission Proceedings
Authors are kindly asked to submit:
- a full paper with recommended length 8 pages in Springer format. All accepted and presented papers will be published in a Scopus indexed book of the Springer Series Mechanisms and Machine Science, with the title: IFToMM and Sustainable Development Goals - Proceedings of the First I4SDG Workshop.
- in alternative is it possible to submit an extended abstract (max 2 pages), not included in the book, for authors who are interested to presentation-only participation.
Each paper/presentation must relate to one SDG, and to one TC/PC/topic. It is mandatory to include as first keyword the most relevant SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) e.g. SDG4.
A selection of presented papers will be invited with extended version for a special issue in the International Journal of Mechanics and Control.
Best paper award
Best Paper awards will be given in categories of Research, Application, and Student Work.
Instructions for authors
- Submissions must follow the Springer Manuscript Guilines
- Microsoft Word templates are provided for Full Paper and Extended Abstract
- Latex templates are also provided for Full Paper and Extended Abstract
- The submission website is OCS